Printing Tickets

Tickets can be printed and presented at an event just as you would with an original ticket. When you print a ticket, only one copy will be valid. Tickets contain a bar code and only the first ticket scanned by the card reader at the event will be accepted.

NOTE: You cannot print a ticket that has a status of "Card Pending" or "Balance Due."

  1. Log in to TicketReturn.

  2. Click Your Tickets to open the Your Tickets page. Then, click Print Tickets.

  3. Events for which you own tickets are listed. Check the events for tickets you want to print. Check Select All to check all events. Click Next to continue.

  4. Tickets owned for selected events that are eligible for printing are listed. Select Print these ticket(s) on your printer or Save the ticket(s) as a PDF. Check the tickets you want to print. Check Select All to check all tickets. Click Next to continue.

  5. If Print these ticket(s) on your printer was selected, the selected tickets appear in your web browser. You can print the tickets by right-clicking on the image and selecting Print or from the File menu select Print. Clicking back on your browser will return you the Select Events page.

    If Save the ticket(s) as a PDF was selected, you will be prompted to Open, Save or Cancel the request.

    If you select Open, the ticket opens and you can right-click to print or select your browser's print function.

    If you select Save/Save As, the ticket is saved to the selected location and can be opened and printed at your convenience.